Arizal Yahrzeit Day – send your prayers!

5th of Av (Sunday July 23rd, 2023)

The Arizal was one of the most celebrated Kabbalists of all times, whose teachings have left an indelible mark on Jewish mysticism and practice. Ascent is blessed that his resting place is very close to our campus. Come join classes here on his teachings.

Rabbi Shaul Leiter, director of Ascent, as your emissary, will personally take your prayers to the gravesite of the Arizal in Tsfat on the yahrzeit, say Tehillim (Psalms), give tzedakah (charity) and leave your note there, as has been the custom for hundreds of years.

Send prayers (your Hebrew name & mother’s Hebrew name preferably) to by SUNDAY, July 23rd 12 pm Israel time.

To help your prayer request soar aloft it is recommended to give a charity donation – a good deed or commitment to increase in observance of a mitzvah [Torah precept] helps too.

During the day of the yahrzeit, it is customary (and helpful!) to connect with the Arizal by lighting a candle for the elevation of his soul, giving additional charity, and studying some of his teachings.

Check out Ascent’s website for teachings of the Arizal in English.

Ascent donation link

May we share only good news!